ML.NET Concepts – MLContext

Here is other article about ML.NET concepts. Today i write about MLContext. MLContext ML.NET has a lot of component and for the developer navigate it in the middle, could be complicated. MLContext it’s the object that seems Caronte. It drive our soul in all ML.NET’s objects. In fact It give us the visibility of all […]

ML.NET Concepts – Prediction function

Hi guys! For your happyness i write other article about  ML.NET concept for you! Today i write about the Prediction function. Prediction function You can see the Prediction function like a tool that take a row and apply to it a Transformer. Once that we obtain the model we could use it for make some prediction […]

ML.NET Concepts – Estimator

Hi guys! For your happyness i write other article about  ML.NET concept for you! Today is the turn of Estimator. Estimator the Estimator is an object that learn by data. The result of training is a Transformer Let’s see the IEstimator interface.   Yes as you thought you can create sequences of Estimator and you can thik about […]

ML.NET Concepts – DataReader

Here is other article about ML.NET concepts. Today i write about DataReader. DataReader The DataReader component have one job: create the Data. As you can understand from interface above, it take a T generic object as input and return same type of Data.   As you can see, DataReader could read data, but the results will be […]

ML.NET Concepts – Transformer

Continuous series of articles dealing with the fundamental concepts to learn the ML.NET framework.   Today we try to understand the Transformer Transformer Transformer are component the pick some data, make some work about it, and return new data, that is modified or transformed.   We have two api: Transform that return data modified and GetOutputSchema that […]

ML.NET Concepts – Data

Hi Guys! That’s the first of articles series where i write about ML.NET framework Today i write about Data Data Data is rappresented by IDataView interface. If you think about Data you can imagine it like a Sql View. Data is a lazily-evaluated, cursorable, heterogenous, schematized dataset. Data have two instances: Schema A instance of ISchema interface. […]

CodeGen 2018

Ciao! Il 22 settembre a Verona ho tenuto un laboratorio di ML.NET. Come probabilmente si è capito il tema del Machine Learning mi ha fatto innamorare! Nel mio repository potete vedere il codice che ho utilizzato nell’ultima demo.   ML.Net – Machine Learning Framework for .NET from Marco Zamana

Le 5 regole per i dati nel machine learning

Quando ci troviamo nella situazione di fare un esperimento di machine learning, ci troviamo, nel caso in cui non abbiamo una chiara idea a dover cercare in un mare di dataset. Scegliere poi il dataset corretto, o quello più “completo” è sempre un po’ difficoltoso. Questa difficoltà inizia, a volte, dall’idea che il dataset debba […]